2018 you are our year, we can feel it! 2017, overall you were great, you showed us the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. There was a lot that was learned and we can honestly say that gratitude was the biggest outcome of 2017. Gratitude for the good and the bad and the ability to roll with, get comfortable with and learn from both. Not a bad life skill to work on. But there is just something about a clean slate. The new year brings endless possibility and to say that we are ready to slay is an understatement. 2017 was all about laying the groundwork for what will hopefully be our biggest and most exciting year yet! Giddy Up was born out of the desire to wander, to explore, to dream of something bigger than ourselves and we are so excited to put it all to the test. We cannot wait to share everything with you as it all comes together.
We've never really been ones for resolutions, they are always have the best intentions but never seem to survive past February, if we are lucky. But upon further reflection that just seems like a cop out. The world needs more accountability right now, more compassion, more curiosity, more inspiration. So in honor of wanting to be a good citizen in the world and in hopes of helping to inspire, here are our New Years Resolutions (all in the format of speaking to ourselves):
1. Volunteer More. The holiday spirit always sparks a temporary boost in wanting to help others but why does that spirit have to fade come new years? You know that homeless guy that you see every day on your way to work? Go talk to him, bring him a hot meal and find out his story. We all crave that human connection. You know those cute puppies that are available for adoption that pop up on your Instagram feed all the time, and you think aww for a second? Go help out at the shelter, take one for a walk or better yet take a crazy leap of faith and actually adopt your new best friend! Speaking from experience animal companionship helps everything. Take that fleeting of idea of "'I should do something" and DO IT! The feeling is addictive.
2. Get Cultural. Like really cultural, not Museum of Ice Cream cultural. We love good a IG photo as much as the next but there is so much beauty in this world. Go to more concerts, open mic nights, films and museums. Go marvel in something that someone else created.
3. Save Mo Money. Christmas is over, and it was good to you. You do not NEED anything else. You know what will feel better than a fancy watch, statement bag or 100th lipstick in a slightly pinker shade than the last 10 that you bought? A fat bank account with robust investment portfolio! And you know what is more fun than checking your social media apps 10 times per day, checking your Fidelity Investments app to see how much money you made today!
4. Dream Big. No more excuses, no more whining, no more waiting. You get one chance, make something bigger than you. No exceptions. Demand more from yourself. Whats the worst that could happen?
So there they are kids! Feel free to comment, check in, and hold us to them. Hopefully they inspired you as well. We wish you all a very happy New Year. Make it your best one yet!